Medical Policy

Physical Examinations:
California State Law requires that all children entering the Kindergarten must have a physical examination. The Pacific Union Code also requires that each new student also have a physical examination upon entering the school (unless previously attended a California school) and in the 7th grade, unless waiver has been signed by parent/guardian. A copy of the physical exam, signed by a physician, PA or NP, is to be in the student’s permanent file.

California State Law requires that all children who enter school in California must have been immunized against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, measles, mumps, German measles (rubella) and polio and have a TB test, unless a waiver has been signed by the parent/guardian.

Communicable Disease:
California State Law requires a doctor’s release in cases of all communicable diseases before a student returns to school.

Emergency Medical Care:
If an accident occurs, an effort is always made to contact the parent/guardians of the student involved. When contact cannot be made, the Physician designated on the enrollment form is called. In some cases, neither the parent nor the family Physician is available. In this event, the parent/guardians required signature on the “Consent to Treatment of Minor” form will allow the school to select medical care.